Veteran's Transatlantic Partnership

Walking With The Wounded (WWTW) is a UK charity, which supports physically, mentally or ‘socially’ injured veterans in overcoming the hindrances preventing them from integrating back into society, leading independent lives and holding down a fulfilling job that makes the most of the unique skills gained through first-class military training. Our programmes give them access to mental health therapy, support them in their journey out of homelessness and guide marginalised veterans into education, training and employment.


Our ethos of working in collaboration does not just extend to the UK. We share Prince Harry’s vision that as allies we fight together, and so should recover together. It is a vision and an alliance, which has been demonstrated through both the Invictus Games and our previous expeditions; South Pole (2013), Walk of Britain (2015), Walk of America (2018), all of which included UK and US servicemen and women. Indeed, this successful approach will be continued with our Oman 2020 expedition to commemorate our 10th anniversary.


At its core, the Veterans Trans-Atlantic Partnership is focussed on developing this partnership further to:


Identify like-minded service delivery partners in the US - initially focusing on mental health, education & employment.

Share information and knowledge between partner organisations and countries to ensure best practice of service delivery for ‘at risk’ veterans.

Influence - using the VTAP network to address strategic issues faced by veterans in both countries.

Generate fundraising income to support veteran programs in both the UK & US (all funds are distributed 50/50 between the UK and US).